So nice to see a bunch of Squares at the Golden Globes last night. While RoboBrangelina snuggled with each other and pretended to do normal human things like "smiling" (see above), the celebrity Squares in attendance kept the mood hilarious.
Best BFFs - Busy Phillips & Michelle Williams

Best BFFs Runner-Up: Jake Gyllenhaal & Jason Segal

Best Nerd Laugh - Natalie Portman
Best Crazy Face - Christian Bale, Drunk Jesus

Best Acceptance Speech By A Crazy Face - Christian Bale
Best Fashion - Helena Bonham Carter

Most Adorably Awkward - The Reluctant-To-Go-Onstage Duo

Most Adorably Sleazy - RDJ

Best GIF Mutilation

Best Withering Stare - Michelle Pfeiffer, HBIC

Most Missed Guest - Brendan Fraser, for his 2010 Audience Member Performance

Classiest Square - Duh, you guys