"So, I threw it on the ground!"
~ Square Andy Samberg
I give up. Andy Samberg is hilarious, ok?! I've tried to resist full-on enjoying him, because he seemed like a hipster posing as the next SNL Jimmy Fallon...but...I officially take it back, ok?!
Dear Andy Samberg,
You're awesome. Thank you, thank you, for making all the fabulous Digital Shorts that I currently have on my iPod and listen to on a daily basis. Also, thank you for wearing a National Organization for Women shirt at the Spike Awards back in the day. You think we square ladies didn't notice? We did. And thank you for clarifying you weren't wearing it in an ironic way, but you actually support NOW. Well done, you.

Of course, Hulu wouldn't let me customize this video player...so I threw Hulu on the grooooooooound! I ain't gonna be part of your system, Hulu! I'm an adult!!! Happy birthday...to the grouuuuuuund!